Tuesday, May 21, 2019

The most terrifying FaceTime EVER!

Me- Are you and Dad free for a facetime?
Mam- No.
Mam- Haha, only joking yeah.

So I called them. I stared at the screen. I could hardly speak. "Hiya, ya alright?" Mam said. "Yeah are you" I replied. "Yeah fine thanks. Come on then what do you want to tell us?" How they hell do parents just know! Such a skill. I just looked at her. Bet I looked a right prat. "Come on, what is is?" she said. With what felt like a long time I said "I'm pregnant" then cried. Standard. She looked at my Dad and smiled and I heard him say "Congratulations kid" Phew all good. "Why ya crying?" she said. "I was so scared to tell you"I replied. "Your bloody thirty year old!!" I did a laugh cry. We spoke for ages about plans. I said we were gonna see about a second year visa and have the baby in Aus and then both come back the following April when my visa would expire. Paul said he wanted to come home. I loved that he called it home and he hadn't even been to England. Then Dad said "Why don't you just get married?" Me and Paul had already spoke about this. He always said if you love someone why not marry them. I called Paul right after and he said him Mom had said the same. He also said its law in Tonga to be married before having children. So thats what we planned. I looked online to see how soon we could do it. I thought just me and Paul would go and get married. No fuss just do it. Then I found a website called simple ceremonies. You could choose from three different locations. I choose Blues Point Reserve. We could have up to 13 people including me and Paul. For $340!!!!!! Let's do this.! So cheap. I got back to Sydney on St Particks day. You had to have it booked exactly a month before your date. So it was all processed on the 20th March. Ready for the 21st April 2018😍 Time to look at rings.

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