Sunday, March 29, 2020


Funny word that. A lot of us will have all experienced isolation. Right now we all are. What crazy times. Covid 19. Nasty bastard. I plea for people to listen to the government advice. STAY AT HOME. It's quite simple really. If someone said to us a month ago, right would you like to stay at home with your house hold for a few weeks we'd be like YES! Please. Well I know I would be. Right now I'm at home with Milla, my Mam and Dad. I still have to go to work at the pharmacy. It's been hectic!! Like you wouldn't believe. The street is still full of people. You see the same faces walking past every day. Some holding nothing. Some holding a dog and some with bags of shopping. ESSENTIALS!! Come on man, milk, bread. Surely we can't be buying this every day. We could make it last a week. And stop STOCK PILING!! Don't be so selfish. What has this world came to. We're all in this together. All in the same boat. Whatever you want to refer it to. Stop being greedy. There's absolutely no need.
Today came more shit news. All applications for UK Visa's have stopped. The offices are closed. My heart feels like it's been ripped out. When will Paula be back. My husband, Milla's Daddy. We have no idea. Last week the priority service was no more. We paid extra to get a faster decision. A decision is usually made within 30 working days and without the priority service it is up to 60 working days. Now as the visa is no longer being looked at we can't put a time on it. At this rate we'll be lucky if Paula even gets back this year. Devastating. Milla still asks for him every single day. She has done since he left on the 11th February. To watch my Daughter grow without her Daddy is soul destroying. Am I doing the right thing? Am I raising her right? What would Paula think? I have a constant battle with myself daily. I know I work too much! 10 hours a day. I'm out the house 11. The salon has been closed for a week now. Before that I was off a week as I had Corona symptoms. May I add the most horrific illness I've ever experienced. It maybe wasn't the Coronavirus but I was terribly ill. So I was off work. Now I still have to go and work with customers daily. Worrying what I might be taking home as the rest of my household are self isolating. What a worry for everyone.
I've been wanting to post for a good few weeks now but I've been holding back. Just figuring out life as a single parent again. Today felt like the best time to write as when I do it helps so so much. I don't need people to read this nor do I need sympathy. Everyone is struggling one way or another. Reach out. Talk to people. A stranger, a friend. An old friend. Never be silent. This is my safe place and my space to vent (without actually having a mental breakdown) So thank you Blogger for giving me this platform.
As awful as this situation is for all of us, I've actually enjoyed catching up with old pals. Tik Tok is giving me daily lol's and group FaceTime/Snapchat/Whatsapp video chats are giving me life. It's funny really coz every time Paula goes back this is how I feel. Isolated. It doesn't feel much different for me. For other people I feel they are now living my life. It's strange. Usually I feel so so alone as everyone has their own families and lives but at the moment people have got time for each other. It's beautiful. I think after all this chaos we will have learnt some lessons. One being, making time for others and most importantly yourselves. I think people will realise how much they rely on others, beauty and hair salons but sadly I don't think people will stick with natural beauty and i'm pretty damn sure no one wants roots down to their shoulders but thats ok. We are all beautiful one way or another.
So stay safe everyone. Look after each other and in a world where we can be anything. BE KIND xx