Saturday, June 1, 2019

The nitty gritty

The next day I started to tell people. And then on went the Instagram post. Such loving well wishes to us all. A few weren't happy with us. But thats another story I won't talk about. We spent the day on Maroubra Beach and called it Our Honey Moon. It was 3 more sleeps until I had to leave. My anxiety was through the roof. Trying to get a years worth of stuff into one suitcase was proving impossible. I left sooooooo much behind. Our last day together we went on the ferry to Manly Beach. My friend Laura had recommended it. By the time we got ourselves sorted the sun was setting as we arrived. It was still lovely though. We had a picnic on the sand that we got from Aldi. When I arrived in Sydney I was absolutely thrilled to see an Aldi. One night we went to Paul's sisters and had a Tongan Feast. My word! What good food. Carb city! I was loving it. Before we ate Paul's brother in-law said a prayer. He was talking in Tongan. I did hear my name a couple of times though. Afterwards I said to Paul "What did Mote say?" "He welcomed you into the family" I burst into tears and said "How dare I take you away from this amazing family" I was so so upset with myself. I felt very selfish. All I wanted was my family and hardly gave Paul a second thought about how he felt about leaving his family. He'd said I'll move to England as long as we come and visit every year. Yes I said but depending on money it'll be more like every two years maybe even only 18 months. I was an absolute hormonal mess. I had to go to the bathroom and just sit there and calm myself down.
  So........... I left on the 25th April. That long gruelling journey from Sydney to Hong Kong- Hong Kong to Manchester. And not on my own this time. With my little bundle of happiness. My two heartbeats (thats what Paul calls us) The goodbye was horrendous. We weren't going to see each other until the 4th of August. It was so far away. He was staying to earn more money as on a visitor Visa you aren't able to work. He started to apply for a Spouse Visa but they can take up to 6months to be granted and we didn't want him to miss the birth of our baby. I was due on the 2nd of October. Tonga is part of the Common Wealth so he didn't need to apply for a Visitor Visa. He would just get his passport stamped once he got to Manchester. I got to Hong Kong and called my Mam and Dad. They said one more sleep and then we'll be at the airport coming to get you. That didn't seem so long when they put it like that. I was sat at the gate. Hong Kong airport is enormous!! So I wanted to make sure I was there in plenty of time. I went to the toilet and cleaned my teeth. I came back out and went back to the gate I'd been sat at. I sat and I sat. People started leaving. I was like where the hell has everyone gone. A guy came over to me and said "Are you waiting for the flight to Manchester" "Yeah" "Ahh the gates changed" Grand. That could only happen to me. There must have been an announcement when I was in the bathroom. We walked to the gate together. He lived in Manchester but had been visiting friends and family in Hong Kong. I got on the flight and was sat next to a little Asian couple. I got talking to the man as he was sat next to me. They both slept most of the way but when he was awake he would talk. I said "Ohh are you coming to Manchester on Holiday?" He replied "No, we live in Manchester" "Ohh how long have you lived there?" I said. "Over 30 years" he replied. "Ohh longer than me" I replied. Trust me. I soon discovered the snack bar at the back of the plane so I spent most of my time down there. The air hostess informed me as I stopped her every time she walked past asking for a water. I was so paranoid with being pregnant. I drank loads of water and walked up and down the isle every hour and done all my leg exercises whilst sitting down. I watched The Greatest Showman and balled my eyes out all the way through. I was so overwhelmed by it. It gave me goosebumps.
I was getting so excited to see my Mam and Dad and the rest of my family. And my dog, Ruby. She went to live with Mam and Dad for the year. I was so scared she wouldn't remember me. I got to Manchester and called Mam. They were nearly here. I walked out to meet and greet petrified they weren't going to be there. And there they were. Right at the front holding some bunting with 'Welcome Home Charlotte'. They both just cried. I can't remember if I did now. Within seconds it had felt like I'd never been. We drove to my Grandma's who lives close by and it felt so strange. So much greenery. It was actually sunny as well! It was only 7am. We arrived and my Dad went to let Ruby out and I hid behind the garden wall. She came running to my Mam then I appeared. She went mental!! I was so so happy she hadn't forgotten me. What a relief.
We stayed at Grandma's for a couple of nights. I met up with a couple of friends and went out to The Botanist in Alderly Edge with my old work bunch. Was so good to see them. The next day we made our way back to Cumbria. I was greeted by a banner made by my gorgeous Nephew, Dent Lemonade, Cheese XL crisps, Hartleys Ice Cream and a wonderful cake. Followed by my Niece and Nephew, my two brothers and their girlfriends. Life made♡

My Husband💙

My Teaching crew

My everything

My Tongan Family💚

My Niece💖

The Tongan feast😋

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