Saturday, April 6, 2019

  I never knew what lay ahead of me but I was hoping for amazing things.
I packed up my flat, packed my bags and said goodbye to loved ones. Off I went.... to Australia!

 I was working in a private school as a Nursery Teacher in Cheshire where I met a family with 3 children from Australia. They offered me a job to Nanny for them when they moved back over which would be in March 2017. After a lot of umming and arhhing and trying to make up excuses not to go (how ridiculous of me) I decided to take this amazing opportunity! What was there to lose.
  On the 27th April 2017 I left Manchester Airport (with my woking/holiday visa) and made my long journey over to Sydney. When I arrived in Australia (all by myself!! never been known to be independent. Yes, I shocked myself)  I was greeted by my employers where they took me to their family home in Rose Bay. I settled in nicely as a live in Nanny.
A few weeks passed and I started to feel very lonely. After only knowing one friend, originally close to my home town I met up with her and we both hit the wine after a lovely afternoon at The Bondi Food Markets. What a laugh we had and it was so good to have a piece of Cumbria (that is where I'm from) so close.  It was just what I needed.

We kept in touch the whole time and still do now. 5 weeks passed and I got lonely again. I'm not a fan of being alone. It frightens me. I like company. I have anxiety and have suffered from depression in the past and I could feel this creeping over me like the Grim Reaper (I am a MASSIVE fan of Sia and her song makes so much sense). How could I feel this way!! I was living the dream! Somewhere or something I never envisioned happening to me. I spoke to my boss (she's such a great pal) and she suggested I went and stayed in a hostel the following weekend. I had a look online, Bondi or Glebe. Glebe sounded right up my street! So I booked it. Two nights in the YHA. I sat outside the morning of 9th June 2017 two hours before check in with a very heavy oversized bag looking like a backpacker (well I thought I did). I panicked. What if I don't meet anyone, what if I don't like the people, what if they don't like me. At least 6 times I nearly left. Pull yourself together Charlotte, I told myself and off I walked up the steps with my very heavy OVERSIZED bag. I checked in. Went to my room. No one was there. Great!! How am I going to make friends if there's no one here I thought. As I moved closer into the room there was a young girl sat opposite my bunk bed on the top. Evie. We hit it off and went out for lunch. That weekend was just what I needed. I had two nights out, met some great people and spent A LOT of money. One thing I can tell you about Australia is it's VERY expensive.

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