Sunday, April 28, 2019


  Today was Paula's Birthday. Once when we were at Circular Quay we were looking at the Harbour Bridge and I said I'd love to climb it and so did he. So I booked him as a surprise The Harbour Bridge Climb. I was working in the morning and rushed getting ready and met him off the Ferry. Paul had work that morning too. He worked Monday-Saturday. He was an absolute grafter and loved his job! Off we went to find the entrance. We were also staying over in a hotel as we were going out that night to celebrate the Birthday Boy turning 26........ Well I thought his was but he was actually 25. Some might call me a cougar💁 We had an hour and a half safety demonstration and a breathalyser test. Off we went. A wee gang of us. It was bloody harder than I thought. Paul walked infront of me coz I didn't want my fat arse in his face. We were hooked on and weren't allowed anything on us only sunglasses and they had to be attached to those gorge lace things around our neck. It was steps most of the way up. I thought great Kim Kardashian eat your heart out. We got half way up and had photos taken by our tour guide. Walking further up and taking in the most amazing view he asked if we were a couple or just friends. There was a long pause and Paul answered with "Friends" My heart sank. I felt like jumping off but I was conveniently attached to the big get of a bridge. Pull yourself together you prat. It's only been 3 weeks. We took a few more steps and Paul turned round and said "You ok?" "Yeah fine thanks" I replied out of breath. I was frigging knackered!! I think he knew I felt shit with him saying "Friends" I put it behind me and carried on. We made it to the top and crossed over to the other side. There was a guy playing a guitar and another Maori looking guy singing "The power of love" Well I just absolutely love that song! His voice was amazing. The tour guide then took a video of us. We were both showed up cause we didn't know what to do (video to follow). Coming back down was a breeze and seemed like 10 minutes and we were back on land. The sun was setting on our way down. It was stunning. I'd never seen over the other side of the bridge (little did I know we'd be getting married there exactly 9months later). We got sorted and headed to the hotel. We started getting ready. I got out the shower makeup free. WHY are us girls so scared for boys to see us without makeup on. So silly. He couldn't have cared less. Make up✅ dress on✅ hair done✅ bag ready✅ selfies✅ Off we went. We even got a photo in the lift. We had a great night. I bumped into my hostel mates so that was nice and they got to meet Paul. I also got chatted up at the bar by a guy who loved my eyes and asked me to model for him😂 too funny hun! He showed me his Instagram page and he said whats your name on here and he added me🙈 couldn't really escape from that question could I. He asked me what I was out for. I said "I'm on a date actually" He said well if it doesn't work out message me. He massaged me the very next day. I ignored the poor sod.

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